★★★★☆ 網友評鑑4顆星

姓名 學校 申請科系 TOEFL 錄取學校
Mr. Lin 台灣大學物理所 PhD in Materials Science & Engr.  97

Pennsylvania State University (全額獎學金)

Ms. Su 清大化工所 PhD in Bioengineering 99 University of Washington (RA 獎學金)
Mr. Hsu 清大化學 PhD in Chemistry 99 

Indiana University (獎學金 US$ 54,496)  

CUNY - City University of New York (RA 獎學金)

Mr. Chen 台大化工 PhD in Chemical Engineering 94

Washington Univ. (獎學金 US$27500 + 學費全免)
Carnegie Mellon University 

Mr. Wang 清大動力機械 Finance 102 UIUC
Syracuse University (獎學金US$7,500)
Mr. Chiu 清大工業工程與工程管理系 Industrial Engineering 91 Purdue University
Pennsylvania State University
Ms. Wu 中山醫學大學牙醫 牙醫 99 Tufts University
Ohio State University
Ms Shih 政大金融 Finance 101 Johns Hiopkins University
Brandeis University
Mr. Chi UC Riverside MBA   Rice University (獎學金US$40,000)
Mr. Liao 雲科大企管 MBA 99

Univ. of Michigan (獎學金US$38,000)
Cornell University (獎學金US$30,000)

Ms. Liu 輔仁兒童與家庭 Early Childhood Education  91 Tufts University
University of Florida
Mr. Chen 師範大學教育系 TESOL 103 Univ. of Pennsylvania
UT Austin
Ms. Huang 中興企管 MBA 98 Univ. of Michigan
University of Washington
Mr. Hu 台大外文系 Public Relations 106 New York University
Johns Hopkins University
Ms. Yu 台大社工系 Public Affairs 100 Cornell University (獎學金USD$18,000)
Brown University
Mr. Liao 成大電機系 Computer Engineering 104

Columbia University                              
Cornell University

Mr. Ku Syracuse University MBA 99 Boston University (獎學金 US$35,000)
Mr. Wang 淡江經濟系 MBA 85 UC Riverside (獎學金US$22,848)
Mr. Kuo 輔大企管 MBA 96  Univ. of Toronto (獎學金CAD$28,000)
Ms. Hsu 長庚大學生物醫學 Technology Commercialization 90 University of Texas at Austin
Ms. Pin Bentley University MBA   Washington University (獎學金 US$28,000)
Mr. Ma 中央機械 Bioengineering 91 Rice University
University of Michigan
Mr. Wang 台大資訊管理所 Computer Science 101 Carnegie Mellon University
Northwestern University
Mr. Chen 台大經濟 Finance 7.0 Brandeis University
George Washington University
Mr. Liu 長庚化工材料 Chemical Engineering 95 Carnegie Mellon University
Cornell University
Mr. Liao 逢甲大學土木 材料工程 89 University of Michigan
Mr. Hung 勤益科大 Mechanical Engineering 85  Carnegie Mellon University
Ohio State University
Mr. Kuang 長庚化工材料 Chemical Engineering 91 Carnegie Mellon University
Mr. Lin 輔仁企管 Multinational Commerce 92  Boston  University
Polytechnic Institute of New York University
Ms. Chung 交大外文系 IMC 97 Northwestern University
Ms. Wang 長庚大學醫學影像 Biomedical Engineering 87 Northwestern University
Texas A&M University 
Mr. Kao 東海電機工程學系 EE 95 UC Berkeley
Ms. Ko 屏東教育大學教育系 TESOL 102 University of Washington
New York University
Mr. Lai 中央商業管理 MBA 105 Cornell University
Mr. Hu 東海資訊工程 Computer Engineering 87 University of Texas at Dallas
Polytechnic Institute of New York University
Ms. Chiou 高雄醫學大學呼吸治療 Public Health 87  Tulane University
Mr. Wang 亞洲外文 TESOL 95 University of Washington
Mr. Chen 中原化工 Mechanical Engineering 85 UT Austin
Mr. Tseng 海洋電機工程 EE 97 UCLA
Mr. Lin 東吳經濟 MBA 102 Rice University
Boston University (獎學金USD$20,000)
Mr. Cheng 元智財經 Finance 91 UT Austin
Boston College
Mr. Liu U of Oregon EE   UC Berkeley
Georgia Tech
Mr. Huang 台大機械工程 Mechanical Engineering 88 University of Minnesota
UC Irvine
Ms. Lin 東海外文 IMC 98 Northwestern University
Mr. Lin 靜宜外文 MBA 98  Georgeotwn University (獎學金USD$40,000)
Mr. Lin 輔仁統計資訊 Biostatistics 87 Georgetown University
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Mr. Ma 銘傳財經 MBA 99 Duke University (獎學金USD$33,000)
Ms. Chung 成大經濟系 IMC 98
New York University
Illinois Institute of Technology
Ms. Hsu 台大日文 Accounting 101 Michigan State University
UT Dallas
Mr. Tu 中原大學電機 Computer Engineering 85 Polytechnic Institute of New York
Ms. Tu 東海大學經濟 MBA 80 Thunderbird School of Global Management 
UC Riverside
Ms. Lin 中正大學外文系 Management 83 Polytechnic Institute of New York
UT Dallas
Ms. Wang 東海景觀系 Landscape Architecture 79 Arizona State University
University of Melbourne
Ms. Kao 逢甲企管 IMC 93 New York University
Mr. Cheng 中興資訊科學與工程 Software Engineering 94 UT Dallas
Ms. Hsieh 台中教育大學諮商與應用心理學系 Leadership 85 Northeastern University
Mr. Lee 清大經濟系 Technology Management 96 UIUC
Mr. Chen 中原電機系 International Economics 92 Brandeis University
Ms. Hsu 中央土木 Transportation Engineering 84 SUNY Buffalo
Polytechnic Institute of New York University                       
Mr. Wan 淡江企管 Marketing 99 New York University
Johns Hopkins University
Ms. Wu 東海大學工業工程 Industrial Engineering 85 University of Pittsburgh
Ms. Pao 交通大學外文系 TESOL 100

University of Oregon

Ms. Tseng 台灣大學外文系 IMC 106 Northwestern University
New York University
Ms. Chen


MBA 81 Claremont Graduate University
Ms. Huang


Finance 83 Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ms. Lin 中央財經 Finance 92 Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Brandeis University
Ms. Fang 東海外文系 Marketing 85 University of Rochester
Ms. Li 政大外文 Sustainable Development 105 UC Berkeley
George Washington University
Mr. Lai 清華大學數學所 Sustainable Systems 93

University of Michigan                                     Rochester Institute of Tech 

Mr. Chen 中興大學生物技術 Biotechnology 112 Northwestern University
Texas A&M
Mr. Fang 大同材料工程 Materials Engineering 92 University of Southern California
Mr. Wang 台北科大資工 MIS 77 Polytechnic Institute of New York University
Florida Institute of Technology
Mr. Huang 交大電機 Electrical Engineering 99 Columbia University
UC-Santa Barbara
Ms. Chang 中正大學經濟 Interior Design 99

Suffolk  University(獎學金 US$8500)

Mr. Hsieh Univ. of Arizona Public Health 102 UC Berkeley
Ms. Chen CSU, Long Beach PhD Health Communication   U of Arizona (獎學金US$18544 + 學費全免)
Mr. Chen 銘傳國際企業 MBA 85  UC Riverside
UT Dallas
Ms. Chen 靜宜英文 IMC 97  New York University
Ms. Chan 成大會計 Accounting 101 University of Maryland
UT Dallas
Ms. Yeh 師範大學公民教育 Policy Economics 97 Univ. of Pennsylvania
Ms. Wu 中興外文 Mass Communications 105

New York University
University of Southern California

Mr. Chang 元智機械 Mechanical Engineering 96 UC Davis
University of Florida
Mr. Ma


Rehabilitation Sciences 99 University of llinois at Chicago
Ms. Hung 東海食品科學 Food Science 95 Clemson University
Mr. Jan 中央土木工程 Civil Engineering 97 USC
Mr. Wen 淡江經濟 IMC 102 New York University
Mr. Chen 台大電機 Electrical Engineering 98 University of Michigan
Mr. Tseng 台大化工 Chemical Engineering 86 Columbia University
Ms. Wang 屏科大獸醫 Veterinary Pathology 107 Tufts University
UC Davis
Mr. Su 東海企研所 Information Technology 91 UIUC
Mr. Chang 淡江大學航太 Math Education 7.0 Hofstra University
Ms. Huang 中華大學外文系 IMC 95 New York University
Florida State University
Mr. Hsiao 輔仁企管 Management 97 Boston University
Northeastern University 
Mr. Chu 淡江大學運輸管理 MBA 81 UIUC MS in Technology Management
UT Dallas
Mr. Chen 政大地政系 Statistics 87 University of Missouri–Columbia
New Jersey Institute of Tech
Mr. Meng 交大外文系 TESOL 97 U of Massachusetts
Michigan State University
Mr. Wei 政大中文系 IMC 94 Emerson College
Boston University   
Ms. Chang 台北藝術大學音樂系 Music 70 Azusa Pacific University
Mr. Lin 台科大電機工程 Technology Management 77 UIUC
Mr. Wu 台大生物產業傳播暨發展學系 Public Health 7.0 Boston University(獎學金)
Mr. Chu 成大生物醫學工程 Mechanical Engineering 94 Polytechnic Institute of New York University
(獎學金 USD$8000)
Mr. Chen 台北醫學大學呼吸治療 Respiratory Therapy 81 George State University
Ms. Wei 中山醫大語言治療 Organization Behavior 82 Polytechnic Institute of New York Univ.
Ms. Kuo 亞洲大學健康產業管理學系 Public Health 84 Tulane University
University of Colorado at Denver
Ms. Liu 淡江大學運輸管理 Supply Chain 84 UT Dallas



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